Thread: ATheism
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Default 06-10-2003, 03:39 PM

Originally Posted by SoLiDUS
Can a student of History (aren't we're all? hah...) fill me in on the following:
when (date in time) did all religions come to be born ? For example, belief
in the fact that Sloidusey is your God came into 2003 on the forum!


But seriously, when and where did they "start" ?
I give it a shot, off the top of my head.

Judaism (sp? jewish) - old - 2000 bc?
Hindu - fairly old too - 2000 bc
Christian - we do use their calendar - 34 AD
Budhism - 400-500 AD?
Islam - About the same 400 ad

Pretty much all guesses, but I think the order is right.
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