Thread: ATheism
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Default 06-10-2003, 04:21 PM

Originally Posted by Vance1
Originally Posted by pest
Originally Posted by Vance1
Jesus didn't create Christianity - it had been around a long time before he came around.
Nope. They were jews before the coming of Jesus. Everyone of them. Jesus instructed his disciples to go out and preach his word and create the church.
Well, I know Moses and other guys were around before Jesus, and your right, they were Jews - but they had contact with God, which was the Father of Jesus, so's almost the same thing.
Almost is right. The God of Judaism is a vengful god, and the God of the Chistianity is a forgiving god.
And vance you are right Christianty was not created by Jesus, but by men based on the teachings of Christ.
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