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Default 06-10-2003, 08:00 PM

Originally Posted by "Sgt Stryker":8251e

those able bodied men would have to swim over here once the B-2s got done with their navies
That's the war won right there. The B-2s will whipe out an entire continent's naval force.

Sorry, you're right... How could America lose?


well, you were going at this from the "Europe has more people, so teh US will lose" point of view.

Sure Europe combined may have a larger land army, but the US is the last great naval power (probably more, better ships than Europe; I have to go to and count though), and we can "cheat" with our nearly invisible stealth planes. If I was a destroyer skipper I would be pretty scared if there was an invisible (to radar) plane out there waiting to rain JDAMs and JSOWs on me and my Air Force cannot even find him, much less get a radar lock and shoot a missile.
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