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mohaa_rox is Offline
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Posts: 514
Join Date: Apr 2003
Default 06-10-2003, 08:45 PM

ok, sorry bout my attitude biggrin:. the original SP map, open up that .pk3, and edit the .scr from in there. then add this line:

level.skill = getcvar (skill) //the skill (easy, hard) for the game

then somewhere where u have those stuff like tank damages, number of AI, for example:

//let's set up the NPC's accuracy
if(level.skill == "0") //easy mode
$ass1.accuracy = 1
$ass1.noticescale = 800
if(level.skill == "1") //medium mode
$ass1.accuracy = 10
$ass1.noticescale == 1000

and so on, upto level.skill == 3. gtg cya
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