06-10-2003, 11:52 PM
1.Racists-What's so bad about people of different color?
2.Preps-Walking down with their Oakley sunglasses on their head with blonde highlighted spiked hair with their Abercrombie shirts with their arm wrapped around their gf makes me wanna puke
3.Jocks and meatheads-Waste their time working out just so they can get the girls, not for their own health
4.Anerixic and belemic (i know i had to spell that wrong)-They have a disorder, but for Pete's sake, theyre doig it to themselves
5.Anti-war protestors-These people are the biggest hipocrites ever. They have a pro war peace rally, but then they get out of control and turn violent hake:
6.People who kick ass at PS (Why can I be as good as you?!?!?!?!?!?!)
7.P30PL3 \/\/|-|0 0/\/LY 74L|< 1 /\/ 1337
8.Those assholes who put viruses in software on KaZaA
9.KIA (what an asshat)
10. 50 cent or whatever his name is. He is just trying to act cool to the media about getting shot, when inside he pisses his imaginary pants
11.The People who took off Family Guy and Undergrads
12.Murder-suicide people. Ok, you hate your life, eh? Well maybe your 2 month old daughter doesnt hate her life, so why end her life and yours because you got fired, divorced, etc.?
13.George Lazenby.Worst 2 hours of my life wasted watching On Her Majesty's Secret Service
14.terrorists-we live in a better country than you do, so you gotta blow us up to seek "martyrdom"? GG (or should I say GA?)
15.Mark McGwire-cheated his way to the homerun title
thats all for now, its 1236 and i have school this morning