Thread: Racism
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Default 06-11-2003, 02:08 AM

Originally Posted by Chango
Originally Posted by Pyro
I know what you mean Chango...if a white person like walked into a store they probably wouldn't even care, but if a black person did, they would probably suspect them to be a criminal of some sorts

but some (not all) try to dress like the gangs can't expect not to be looked at.
funny thing is I don't even dress like i'm in a gang, but I was followed anyway, and that white guy I was talking about was someone that I saw steal something (he put a DVD in his pocket and i'm pretty sure he didn't pay for it) but the employee following didn't notice (or chose not to.) But the next time I was in the store I saw the same guy and he put something else in his pocket and I pointed him out to the employee and needless to say the guy got caught.
Narc.... J/k,
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