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Default 06-11-2003, 06:44 AM

i run the [5th ESB] spearhead server ..and i try to keep it a fun place to play and keep it interesting with custom skins,mods and stuff like that ..than you get these idiots that come in cheats and whine when you kick them ..then thay acuse you of cheating cause you or one of your clan members is running a custom skin ..yeah uniform with the 5th ESB emblum on it and FLAGG on the back is really helping me get kills ..but someone with a wall hack is inocent ..i spend so much time trying to keep the map rotation fresh and interesting..keep skins and mods in that keep the game fun and map fixes that just work ..just like most of the ADMINS out there ..and we do this just to have a server that players enjoy ..then you get some 12yr old kid who just got the game and found a website that he can dounload cheets from and comes into the server that we have spent all this time on just to make a fun place to play ...thay run these cheats and then treat us like WE did somthing wrong when we catch them and call them on it the other thing that bugs the s**t out of me are players like NOCTIS ...who think thay are on some crusade to judge every server out there ..give it a rest bro are not the high god of servers..sent by EA games to pass judgement ..when people realise that ADMINS on avrage have to give up most of there playing time to run a good server and make it fun ,just so people like NOCTIS can kick us in the teath when he dosent agree with a mod we run ..oh ..and angeldust does some of teh sweetest skins ever to grace this game ..thanks much for the hard work you put into them bro ..and thanks to [5th ESB] MinorThreat for the killer job he did on our custom skins of art ...
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