06-11-2003, 08:12 AM
That the bible is a story that has changed over 2000 years (and a large source for the basis of Christianity) is my whole point as to why I don't particularly believe in Religion at all.
There is probably lots of lessons that can be learnt from the Bible, and any lessons learnt is a good thing.
But, it's just that, for myself, I don't think a person needs to be religious to be great, nor do they need to be anti-religious to be evil.
I just feel that there are so many conflicting religions out there that they cannot all be factual. They must all be mutually exclusive so they can't all be based on actuality, so how can a non-believer place his or her trust in any one of them? Even if one of them is truth then that means that all the others must be based on fiction.
Fact or fiction are the only two possibilities in life. Anything else is just belief.
It's all down to the individual and how they were educated, or how they live their life thereafer.
Believe it or not I was educated in a school, up until my teens, that was very religious. We were taught a lot about Christianity, we sang prayers in the morning and so on. It just never sank in with me.
I found maths, English, science and other things more of a reality.
But, think on this.
Remember my suggestion that Religion is generally created to answer questions? Our answer to death and life was God.
Things that we don't understand present questions that we, being sentient beings able to use reason, like to have answered.
Well, a lot of questions have been answered in the last 2000 years but there remains one that has not been answered, and is likely never to be:
So long as we cannot prove there is or there is not an afterlife Religion remains impossible to prove false. Quite a safe bet, that one, isn't it?
Only those that have experienced death will know the truth and they have not been able to come back to tell the tale (except Jesus , according to Christianity).
So, religion will never die. It will always be present so long as people have something to believe in.
But, any person can adhere to the principals and the values of any religion, without the need to pray, attend mass, or believe in a deity.
Why do they deserve to go to "Hell"?
Indeed, the very idea that only believers of Heaven have a chance to go to Heaven would mean that you'd have to believe in Hell to go there too?
Believe in what you want. Just don't judge others because they don't believe in it too.