Thread: Racism
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Re: Racism
Chronic Diarrhea is Offline
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Default Re: Racism - 06-11-2003, 08:31 AM

Originally Posted by "Chronic Diarrhea":08875
Originally Posted by Pyro
Chronic: Is it a double standard when I get followed around in a store because they think i'll steal something when some white guy that isn't being followed steals something and gets away with it? Then again why should I ask you, you're the one that made a thread and blamed societies problems on black culture.

Yeah it's a doublt standard in your case, and that's BS. And your last comment shows how narrow-minded you are. Apparently you didn't read enough of it to understand I was blaming our cultural downfall on rap music. You apparently think that was racist. I assure you I have little racist qualities about me (nobody can be purely un-racist). I have black friends, and I even hang out with a few of them because they are cool, and some of them hang out with us. You assuming I'm a racist has no grounds, as you've never met me and don't know how I act.
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