Thread: Racism
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Default 06-11-2003, 10:49 AM

Racism is so stupid. Now if whites joke about Blacks, it like a death offense. I eman, if A white cop shoots a black guy its automatically bad, people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are nothing but worthless bigot dummies who cant argue to save their lives. I was going to write and article at school about the true meaning of the Confederate Fkag for the newspaper, but the stupid teacher is such a spinelss coward that she was afraid to offend somebody in an all white,oh yea there are asians and mexicans, school, of 250 kids k-12. When I asked her who it would offend she said, It would offend her, ha what a stupid awnser. Even if there were Blacks I would still write it, becuase the way the CSA and the FLag is presented is that they where all racsist and that the North saved the black people from a life of slavery, how stupid. Racsists on any side are stupid, from the KKK to the Panthers there all idiots.
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