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Default 06-11-2003, 11:02 AM

People and stuff I hate.

-people who take what is not thiers
-people who are too liberal or conservative
-people who don't think before they speak
-people who piss on the floor or the seat, instead of the urinal or the toilet.
-people who have first names for their last name (i.e John Robert, etc...)
-people who drive slow in the left lane...move the Fuck over to right lane!!!
-hate groups, ie feminist, nazis, KKK, etc...
-religous fanatics who try to push thier views on people
-Hip Hop (Old School Rap is fine)
-Coldplay or Nickel Back or any of the new "Buzz" Bands.
-people who argue on forums or IM
-people who cheat on computer games
-spam email
-Lima Beans, Okra, Squash, Eggplant, turnips, grits
-Fat women who wear tight clothing
-People who puke and miss the toilet
-Fucking people who live in USA and dont speak English
-Welfare recipeints who don't look for work and just have more kids, to get bigger checks
-People who bring little kids to R rated movies
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