06-11-2003, 12:48 PM
I used to keep a list when I was in high school on people I'd swear I'd axe-murder, but I guess since then I lost alot of that stress.
1) People who think that since they can pass a road test, it obligates them to think they can actually drive.
2) Old people who drive like old people.
3) People that pimp out POS cars or vans (the system, the windsheild wiper sprayer lights, etc...)
4) People who let you know they're making a turn within the next two miles by leaving their signal on.
5) People that stare at you like you have two heads when you blast rock.
6) People that drive up next to my POS, look at me and laugh.. .until I hold up my machete. (That bitch always rides shotgun)
7) People with the preppy look (The sweaters tied around the neck)
8) People who actually sit and eat/drink in Starbucks.
9) 13-year old people that think they can take on any person in the world, espically a (practically) 21 year old who can benchpress a buick.