06-12-2003, 08:59 AM
See? [/quote:4239b]
See what? Spot run? Its such a simple command God gives us, all we have to do i accept Him, how simple can it get? Beign saved is not about acts, but Faith and believing, not just doing good acts. SO you may not like that you have to give up a life of sin, but to get to Heaven thats what you have to do. We are all sinners, and I am a sinner saved by grace. No amount of acts will get you to Heaven, its by the grace of God.[/quote:4239b]
What he is saying is that he thinks it is quite arrogant to believe that your religion is the only one. What kind of God would choose just you and your church to enter paradise. Is God so vengful that he would let the majority of the world go to hell because they were born to a culture that wasnt predominantly christian?
When the ten commandments were handed down the first said "I am the lord your God, put not other Gods before me." This was the god of abraham, issac and moses. This was the god of the hebrews, the god of the old testament. This was Yahweh (sp?), Allah and the God of Jesus.
This is the difference in believing you find salvation thru acts or grace. I believe it is thru acts. Much of the distaste found for religions stems from the grace group. The attitude of "I can lie cheat and steal, as long as I go to church on sunday and profess my faith, I will be saved" along with the arrogance of "my way is the only way" really doesnt sit well with many people.
Thats what he meant by "See?"