Thread: ATheism
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Default 06-12-2003, 12:44 PM


Yes, yes, I know what he means. I was being sarcastic. The GOd I worshiop is not Allah, it is a diferent God, a real true loving God, not some insane not job that like to kill innocent people. Yes He is the GOd of the Hebrews, and also the God of all other races, no matter how much you want it to be, you are not going to Heaven thorugh acts of your own, well besides the act of accepting Jesus, other than that no act will get you to Heaven. Yes, believeing in Jesus is the only way, no other religion will get you there, if you do not believe me, just read the Bible and compare religions, just see what makes the most sense, why has nobody done this? Are you afraid? Just do I dare ya to.

Islam, Judaism, and Christianity all have the same roots. Christianity believes that Jesus is the Messiah. The other two believe he was a prophet. The jewish faith and islam split even more with the coming of Mohammed. So, to me, it is the same God, but worshipped differently. You should also try to to confuse muslim politics with the muslim faith. The Christian history is filled with much greater atrocities than the current politcal events. Thats back to the difference between religion and the church.

And I have read the Bible. And I have studied Christianity in a church sponsored setting as well as an academic and historical setting. I have also studied world religions. Its fascinating. It is why I completely disagree with statements like, "religion is a means to control simple minds." For the most part, most religions' messages are the same, its only the names and the rituals that differ.
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