Thread: ATheism
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Default 06-12-2003, 03:26 PM

YEs there has been alot of wrong doing by the Christian CHRUCH in history, and this mainly being the cathoilic church. They went totally against the Bible, they where not acting for God, but for themselves. Islamis a religion of terror, inn the Koran it says to kill infidels, and Muhhamad was a terriost himself. Aslo you see, I dont worshiop the same God as muslims, becuase the God I worshiop is real and is the Father of Jesus, and Jesus is the Son, how can I be worshioping the same God when they donot believe Jesus is even His son? No, I worshiop the true God. I do worshiop the God of the Jews though, that is his chosen people, and Jesus is the messiah that came for the world. If you read the Bible, then you should see all the predictions about Jesus that came true, how could they get that right? Just a lucky guess? Islam is an obvious edited version of Christianity, one that promotes violence.
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