Thread: ATheism
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Default 06-12-2003, 06:28 PM

[quote:e442e]You can find all the excuses for violence that you want in the bible. There is the one story in the old testament, cant remember which book, kings maybe, where the isrealites came upon this village. They were able to convince all the men of this village to get circumsized. The next day, when all the men were too sore to do anything, they went in and slaughtered them all. Big victory and all because they were philistines.


When things like this happen in the Bible, it was for a reason, not just becuase they were philstines. Things like this happend becuase of sin, look at waht happend to Israel for some of the horrible sins they did, we all deserve death, but thank GOd for being so loving that He let His only son die for us, that we may have ever lasting life. I can not explain why God did all these things , He is to great for me to understand it all. The Crusades here not at all inspired by the Bible, but by evil men.

[quote:e442e]Can you disprove that their god is false? IF you cant then shut the hell up about your god being right. And stop trying to bash other religions. AS anti-religious as I am I stand up for those being hurt. And you are not showing the good side of your religion, so take a seat and stop embarassing yourself [/quote:e442e]

I can show evidence that proves my God exsists and that He i the only God, an that Islam is false. Also I am not bashing other religions, I am stating facts, one Jesus is the only way, and Islam is not peaceful, do I hate muslims? No, I do not hate the Hijackers of 9-11, I feel sad for people like that becuase they do go to Hell. Also, how am I not showing the good side of my religion? There is only good, infact Christianity is not about religion, but Faith, not religious acts.
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