06-12-2003, 06:42 PM
Moby - Go: At the time that song was popular, I dated this girl and she was nice. My first real girlfriend I think. Nice memories. Long time ago. Foggy, early winter mornings before school (thanks for mentioning Tripper).
Everything Guns N' Roses: Early highschool...(later I listened to Metallica, Megadeth, Pantera, Bolt Thrower a lot). Old Eurotrash dance music reminds of highschool a lot too.
Pearl Jam - Ten (album): On holiday with a bunch of friends. Although the album already had been released long before that, we listened to it a lot, mostly while driving.
The Chemical Brothers - Hey Boy, Hey Girl: My first day at the races (Formula 1).
Paradise Lost - Mouth: Bad times. Still like the song (and band) though.