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Default 06-12-2003, 09:00 PM

I hate the herbal essence adverts because we get the american versions where they pronounce it Erbal, not Herbal.

I also hate car insurance ads. particulary this one. imagine it:

stupidly over acting woman saying down the phone "go on, quote me happy"
then you see her holding the phone to her ear then she screams out in joy severely over acted.
then it cuts to a scene in the insurance office with what must of been the employee of the month saying to a collegue, "i think shes happy".
"phone us and let us quote you happy"

I phoned them, hoping they would quote me happy.
"im sorry, we cant insure you at your age for that particular car"

I also hate the depressing adverts of Has been celebrities telling you that youre going to die one day so make a will to give yourself peace of mind that your family will be financially secure when youre gone.
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