Thread: ATheism
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Default 06-12-2003, 09:23 PM

I dont beleive in God, I dont beleive there can be a god. But i respect other peoples beleifs and will not say things like duke_of_ray has as if it is fact.
None of us can really say "There is a god" or "there is no god" and know for sure. but In Our Own Opinions, we can beleive what we like.

IMO, Monty Pythons Life Of Brian takes a deceptivly close look at the likely hood of jesus, how easy it to assume someone as a messiah. The film was blasted as blasphemous by church leaders and banned from screens for a while until the 80s. Yes i am aware it is a comedy, but it really does put things into perspective if you look at it that way.
quote "He certainly looks like a messiah, and i should know, ive followed a few!"
"im not the messiah!"
"only the true messiah would deny his identity"
"oh alright then i AM the messiah"
"he is! he is the messiah! all hail..."

I personally beleive that quite probably there was a man called jesus, and he would have stood up before crowds and said some wise things, kind of like todays election campaigns. a selection of people get up before the public and make speeches and hope they are liked. Well, jesus was liked...... but not by the romans. Who probably executed him as he was becoming a political threat.
Well, thats one way of looking at it. On the other hand you could look at it that god created all and let his son die etc etc...
but that is only my opinion. I dont beleive in any such being as god.

there is likely to be a scientific explanation to everything.
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