06-13-2003, 01:18 AM
Funniest kill?
on a custom map me and my friend where laning together blocking the only 3 exits out of a room, nadeing another player non stop. i would throw one and he'd run to my friend and when my friend threw one hed run to me. this went on for about 5 times. so finally the guy saw the 3rd exit in the middle of the room which was a ladder leading down, as he jumped down he blew up from one of out nades that must have rolled off the edge and droped to the bottom. we didnt see him running anymore so my friend and i get all excited running in with our tommy blazing at nothing and WHAM... bolth of us are dead. turns out the guy had a nade in his hand when he died and managed to throw it up the ladder and explode 3 gas barrels killing us two.
had to be there. funnt shit