06-13-2003, 11:24 AM
Well Simo, I have to say that you are pretty dumb...and I am being honest here. You basically used some tools you got off of the internet to delete someones files, that they spent a lot of time working on. I have to ask, why the hell you did this in the first place? Hackers don't destroy files and try not to leave any trace of the fact that they were in the system. You left software on the PC you were using? The teachers knew you were physically there? How the hell would you not get caught? Anyway, you had admin rights on a network...big friggin deal. That is not hacking, anyone could go on the machine running some kind of Directory Services and give you security permissions. And there is no way you would ever get a security job because all you know is how to download a trojan, execute it on the server and you are in.
So, to sum it up. You are lame, you give real hackers a bad name, and believe me, we all hope you never get to touch a computer again. Because a computer in the hands of an ignorant lame wannabe like yourself give hackers the reason to use their knowledge in a malicious way.
Oh, you are taking Cisco right? Believe me you will never get a job with them. So you should probably go learn to be a mechanic because not only do you lack any real skill you are going to tarnish your image in the professional world. Not that you couldn't lie about it, but it could always catch up to you.
Flame away retard oOo: