06-13-2003, 04:17 PM
[quote="Duke_of_Ray":7935f]You want proof of God, well here is some. Look at all the archaeoligical finds that have happend. Tablets have been found at Tell Mardikh and they talk abou Sodom and Gomoarrah. Others tell of the Hittites and the ruler Belshazzar. What about the Dead Sea scrolls, they are 1,000 years older than any other Bible writings in exsistance. These show that the Bible is actually accurate. Just loo at the Jewish people themselves, read Genisis chapter 12, God made Israel into a great nation, and blessed those who bleesed them, such as the U.S., and cursed those who cursed them, just look waht happend to Germany and Egypt.Check out all the prohecies Jesus fulfilled. ?Read Micah 5:2, and for John the Baptist Issiah 40:3. Look at ll the witnesses that saw Jesus rise from the dead, its recorded in History that he was crucified. Also, why would so many people die for seomthing thats not real? Im not talking about Muslims, who kill tthemselves with others so that they might go to Heaven,, no Im speaking of all the Christians that died for their faith, and trying to lead others to Christ. They didnt have to do this, but becuase they loved God so much, they gave their lives. You may not accept the evidence, you may know its true, but refuse to accept this. Im praying for you all who do not know Jesus that you may see the way to eternal life, and might accept Him.[/quote:7935f]
How is that proof of god? All that is, is proof of the bible's roots. If you think that tablets prove that god exists, then the Egyptian gods exists as well as several african gods. For all you know those tablets and scrolls could've been written by an insane person or even as a fiction story. And how exactly is Germany cursed? Germany is doing as well as any other European country. As for why people would die for something thats not real, there are two simple answers for that, 1. they believed in it so much that they became fanatical, or 2. a fanatic told them to do it. Both of those are reasons why so many believe that Islam is a violent religion. Fanatics are influencing many in that religion in the Middle East, because they live in poor conditions and need something to blame. There are christians that believe that we should kill all Jews (and some do) because they do not believe in Jesus, does that make Christianity a violent religion?