06-14-2003, 09:29 AM
[quote:d6df7]How is that proof of god? All that is, is proof of the bible's roots. If you think that tablets prove that god exists, then the Egyptian gods exists as well as several african gods. For all you know those tablets and scrolls could've been written by an insane person or even as a fiction story. And how exactly is Germany cursed? Germany is doing as well as any other European country. As for why people would die for something thats not real, there are two simple answers for that, 1. they believed in it so much that they became fanatical, or 2. a fanatic told them to do it. Both of those are reasons why so many believe that Islam is a violent religion. Fanatics are influencing many in that religion in the Middle East, because they live in poor conditions and need something to blame. There are christians that believe that we should kill all Jews (and some do) because they do not believe in Jesus, does that make Christianity a violent religion?
Teh tablet tell of Sodom and Gomoarrah, its not some Bible tablet, but one that tell of the Hittites and mentions Sodom and Gomoarrah, why woulda tablet like this have something like that on it if it really didnt happen. Im not talking about how the African or Egyptian gods were written about, what did they ever do? They sure didnt do anything when God lead the Hebrews from Egypt. When I said look at Germany, I ment after World War 2, look at all that happend to them, so many dead destroyed cities. Also look at the other countries that has pursecuted the Jews throught history, they have not been any better off. So, you mean that as many people that died for Christ throught History were all nut jobs? You mean, that not one of them was sane? no, if they really died for Christ, they where not idiots or nuts, but people who loved the Lord enough to die for Him. If some nut job told thenm to go and be killed, then they were dieing for him, not Jesus. No, becuase the people who believe we should kill Jews are most likely not true Christians, and if they are the most be readinh the the new Nazi Niv. And the people who died for Jesus died trying to help others be lead to the word, not just to die. Did they want to die? I do not know, I know I dont, but I believe I would if I had to.
[quote:d6df7]everyone in a sense is agnostic
you can never truely know if there is or isnt a God. Guess you'll find out when you die...i cant wait[/quote:d6df7]
Yes, you can truly know there is a God if you accept Christ as your saviour.
[quote:d6df7]Really Duke you have no solid evidence. AS chango said you just proved every other ancient god exists. So what should I do know? worship the egyptian gods? the romans? greek? I mean im lost now....jeesh. GO figure. Your religion is just like every other religion out there. Man made and sold to the ignorant. This is why I will not buy into a religion. Unless I meet a super natural beaing face to face I wont worship any. [/quote:d6df7]
How can I prove the existance of no exsistant gods? There is but one God, and He is the Lord Almighty. Man made some relgions, but being a Christian is for real, and either you are or your not. You will meet GOd one day, and if you still have not believed, then it will be to late, and I hope this does not heppen, I hope someday you will see the truth.
I wish you all had somebody better than me to try explain to yall the truth, and Im sorry Im not the best at it. I know Jesus is the way, I just wish there somebody better on this board at this than me, somebody who could really do a good job. I mean, your blood is no longer on my hands since I did tell you, but still I do not want to see anybody go to hell.