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Default 01-20-2002, 05:28 AM

Um, are they serious about MOH: Frontline?,00.html

"GameSpy has released a list of the most wanted games of 2002 for the PC, and among them is Medal of Honor: Allied Assault. Medal of Honor:Frontline made it on the PS2's most wanted list, as well."

Compared to MOH:AA for the PC, Frontline looks like complete garbage. I'm sure they could have made a better game than that for the PS2 for crying out loud, or wait a bit more to do a better job. I had some respect for PS2 when GTA3 was released because of how good it was, but when I saw such a grand game like MOH Frontline being released for PS2 and seeing the screenshots, I almost lost my lunch. It looks like they werent even trying at all. I hope X-box does a better job, and if it does, more power to X-box for actually doing something good for MOH

Sorry I had to post this, but the PS2 version bothered me so much when i saw those screens, I had to say something.

VIVA Allied Assault!


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