06-17-2003, 05:56 AM
I have a few kills which is.. maybe not such funny, but they are..
Anyway, I was playing Remagen, and the frontline was under the clocktower or whatever it is, you know with the wagon?
Well, Everybody threw smokegrenades, and you bet it was LAGGY! The whole entire frontline (tunnel) was covered with green and red smoke, and nobydy (not even the enemy wanted to step inside the "smoketunnel",
So everybody just kept shooting through the smoke. The smoke never disappered, and jesus christ, it was pretty funny, because sometimes people just died by a shot in the head or something. You did never know when somebody shot you, it was all about LUCK, I had the springfield and gave som guys extra holes in the head.. Just look at these pictures..
Inside tunnel, real scary: [img]http://equinox.homelinux.net/public/uplfolders/upload4/clp37.jpg[/img]
The commom wiew