Thread: I Got the Game!
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Stony is Offline
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Default 01-21-2002, 09:24 AM

Overon, I read your detailed "review" and I think I have to address some points that you could've possibly jumped to a premature conclusions with. I don't own the game yet, but I've played both the MP and SP demos and I think I know enough to address what you're saying about the game.

Single Player Game - obviously you haven't played on "hard" difficulty. The SP demo is tough on the hard setting.

Multiplayer - I see you're one of those bazooka, shotgun, or sniper whore whiners. GOOD players adapt to the situation and know what it takes to discourage those who like to grenade spam. A good aim with the sniper rifle will make spammers think twice before rushing to a chokepoint. Works for me in the MP demo of "The Hunt".

Cheaters & spawn camping - I hate cheaters just like everybody else, but it's only a question of when, not if, for MOHAA. As for spawn campers, maybe playing an objective-based map is more suited to you. Spawn campers don't exist in these types of games.

Performance - no problems here, even with the SP demo which doesn't have texture compression. I have the same setup as you for the most part but I have a GeForce3 instead of a GeForce2. Perhaps the problem lies somewhere between your chair and your keyboard?

Rushed? - Definitely yes.

Lack of objective-based maps - Hopefully there will be more. Be patient. MOHAA has the potential to become the next Half-Life with all the legions of people itching to modify the game. Looking at what people have done so far with just the demo should be evidence of better things to come.
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