Like I've been saying all along...2015 are a bunch of amateurs who hyped their game months back only to deliver half-arsed PS crap.
Let's point something out here...the kiddies will be satisfied with ANYthing because they're kids. A kid's expectations are far easier to satisfy than an adult's.
Adults, having been around PC games for the last decade, know what's what and can spot schonky code a mile away.
2015 have aimed this game at kids and expect to suck their pocket-money dry. And they will. And for us adults relying on mods courtesy of the open-ended code, all we'll see are hacks and cheats.
I put a clan site up for this game, but luckily we can use it for any WW2 FPS. Having played the demo over the last couple of weeks, and reading other peoples' comments, I don't expect to be getting much use out of MoH. It's badly planned, poorly coded dreck and I will definitely be making it my first-ever warezed game.
Talking of which, I would greatly appreciate a link to a good DL site for the ISO. Don't post it here, it's not fair on the admin. E-mail me at:
I'm sure I'll be able to return the favour with some apps I have.