06-17-2003, 07:48 PM
[quote:fea11]What if God suddenly commanded you to go out and kill as many people as
possible before you were stopped: would you do it ? Do you realize what kind
of puppet you have become ? I respect your choice but please, don't recruit
Uh he would not do that, so there is no point in tha question, but Gods will is always best. As for me being a puppet, I hope thats what I am, a puppet controlled by God Almighty.
[quote:fea11]ok not in your hadns its in mine. And my legs, my heart, my head, my arms, my chest. MY blood is mine. Stop trying to act like you cant save me. THere is nothing to save me or anyone else from. PLz stop now [/quote:fea11]
I cant save you, only Jesus can, if you believe in me, not only are you in sad shape, I will completely fail you. :) When I say your blood is on my hands, I mean that if I do witness to you when I get the chance then its my fualt for you not hearing about Jesus, atleast from me, now that I have told you, I no longer have to worry about your blood being on my hands, but I did not tell you all this for that reason, I told you all this so that you may escape the fires of hell.