Thread: ATheism
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Default 06-17-2003, 07:58 PM

Trust me, if there were a god he'd be down here already. Look at the shit we've been through; the crusades, black plague, pompeii, and both world wars. Millions of the innocent have died and suffered so we can live out our manly fantasies. So where the fuck is this second coming?

Truth is there is no second coming because we made the whole fucking thing up. I hate to break it you but I feel I must:

#1. There is no holy trinity.
#2. There is no heaven and hell.
#3. Religion is the leading cause of hate.
#4. There is no hope for you, me and everyone else.

Religion was made up so that people would feel fulfilled, so they would feel that they serve a purpose. Truth is there is no fucking hope, we are all a fucking grey spot in the universe. So I say we should all enjoy ourselves instead of living out some false prophecy.
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