Thread: ATheism
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Default 06-18-2003, 08:38 AM

[quote:9ffa0]The exact opposite, my dear. Choice...

Unlike Duke's God, mine is a supraintelligent being that designed the
Universe with beauty and love in mind: he gave you Life and the freedom
to acknowledge his existence and the choice to Love his being.

Life isn't a biased test in which the final outcome is either Heaven or Hell:
that is my contention and I will stand by it. Of all "beliefs", it is the most
logical and consistent of all. I suggest taking a look at the link I posted...

Well that is not unlike my God, infact thats a great description of Him, but if you choose to deny Him then you must suffer. YOu might say, "well God wouldnt do that, not if he is loving", sorry but He will. God made it so easy for us, all we have to do is believe, so yes I can understand GOd being mad at us for not accepting, I mean Jesus died for us, sufferd for us, God allowed us to live, he gave us many chances, and again made it simple its not even funny. Now being a Christian may not be easy, but becoming one is, I know it may be hard to ask for help, you may be embarresed, but why let that stop you from eternal peace? Yea lets compare the religions and see which one makes the most sense.


Can you force anyone to love you?

Can you demand being loved?

Would you really love someone if there are “conditions”

What happens to true Love in these situations?

The moment we try to force anyone to love us, or impose any
conditions, the Higher feeling that we call Love – simply stops
existing. It is instantly replaced by feelings of bitterness,
disappointment and even deceit, as soon as any conditions are

This is a very “delicate situation” – to say the least.
From the above, it is clear that:

In order to experience True Love - the autonomy of
individual intellects cannot be in any way compromised.
Individual intellects have to CHOOSE themselves to give their
Highest feelings to other individual intellects by their OWN
Free Will.

Hence, we can define the autonomy of the “individual
intellects” as a necessary condition in “Designing for Love”.


Heaven and Hell cannot be what await you at the moment of physical
death, assuming supraphysical states of consciousness and existence
really ARE.

Check your premises... [/quote:9ffa0]

Im not trying to get you to love me, thats the least of my worries, my only concern is for you all that have not accepted the Truth, I do not want anybody to go to hell, nor does God, but He will do what he has to do. Yes God gave us freedom of choice, but there is a right and a wrong.


Unlikely, if he is willing to allow one of his prized creations to suffer eternity
in the worst imaginable place after one physical incarnation: considering how
your tabula rasa is filled by an education and values partly instilled in you
by your parents and the society of your time and place, if your freedom of
choice lands you in Hell, he is not at all the same being I choose to believe

Very illogical thing for a supreme intellect to do if you ask me. Wouldn't you
agree ? [/quote:9ffa0]

God gave us the choice to accept him or deny him, and God will send you to hell, do not try to kid yoursellf otherwise.
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