Thread: ATheism
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Default 06-18-2003, 02:14 PM

[quote:fef96]As for the Indian, I believe that God gives them a chance to repent and accept Christ.[/quote:fef96]


[quote:fef96]How would we know? To a dog, the act of washing dishes must be incomprehensable (sp?). If we are but children, who are we to know what Gods intentions are? Someone mentioned years of sufferring. To an enternal being, what are a few millenia?

How can our simple minds hope to understand the forces behind the creation of the universe? We dont even fully understand our own bodies. So that brings us to faith. You accept it, you reject it, you make a decision, but it is anything but simple. [/quote:fef96]

What will a dog go see first ? The piece of shit on the floor or the diamond?
He will go play with the fecal matter. Why ? His mind can't see the beauty of
the diamond and admire the design of the Universe. God's intentions are
most likely the same as any advanced intellect: the need to feel love, to be
loved, give it and other higher feelings: he doesn't play dice. Is this not the
best outcome ? In any case, when you are at a point where you do not need
to physically incarnate inside a body to experience certain spiritual things, u
might be in a better position to know what it is that the creational entity wants
but until then, we're all just assuming a bunch of things. I will take the logical
one over Christianity any day.
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