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Default 06-18-2003, 06:28 PM

"My name is Heather Cooper, I'm 18 years old - My major for the first four years is Criminal Justice, after that I plan on going on to Law skool"

Yool fale horiblee.

"Politically I am a radical democrat, and what pisses me off more than anything is my rights being violated."

You go, girl.

"I am a very opinionated person, but I am also very caring to those who deserve it. So don't be an idiot, and we'll get along fine, I'm sure."

Oh, goody.

"Currently I'm 5'4", I have green eyes,dyed black hair and my labret, belly button, and eyebrow pierced, and i have a tattoo of a segmented pentagram in the middle of the bottom of my back and a star (inside of a star) tattoo on my shoulder blade... "

And you have ginger-bread men floating across your website...

Now that's comedy.
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