Thread: ATheism
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Default 06-18-2003, 08:09 PM


What? Like they did lots of "bad stuff"?[/quote:3ccfb]

No, they're just normal people who try to live normal lives, attend church on Sundays and do various other normal every-day things.

[quote:3ccfb]Or they didn't try to 'save' you?[/quote:3ccfb]

No, they don't. They, you know, talk to me. About things.

Anyone who continually spouted religion to me would not remain my friend for long.

If Heaven is to be full of people like that then I am quite glad I am not going there.

But, I can tell you this, I am not going to "Hell". It's as fictional as Gandalf, dwarves and my little pony.

When I die my brain will stop functioning and, seeing as I never witnessed anything before my brain started functioning, I would imagine that I would not be able to witness this "unending darkness, the gnashing of the teeth and undying fires".

I'll be dead. At peace. Finito. So long as my children and family live on, I am immortal.

That's what we are here for. That's what our bodies are designed to do, like every other single living organism on the planet.

Fucking shitter, really, but I intend to enjoy as much of it as I can. I don't need to fool myself into believing that when it is all over I will live a spiritual life on another plane.

Life is too bloody short to be worrying about what will happen after it. To live a rigid life restricted by rules written millenia ago by people who are long dead in some hope that I will earn my place in a fictional man-made fantasy is not my fucking idea of a good life.

And, until it is proven to exist, no matter how much you "accept" and "believe" in something, it is a fantasy.

I don't want to read another damned line about how religion is about morals and ideals - Duke_of_ray has blown that out of the water.

It's nothing to do with fucking morals. As he has said, Christianity is not about being a good person it is about accepting Jesus and God. If you do that, no matter how much of a twisted fuck you are, you will be saved and you will go to "Heaven".

What a crock of fucking shit.

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