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Default 06-19-2003, 12:51 AM

Originally Posted by Quze
Originally Posted by Tripper
Let people be the way they Fucking want too. Thing is, you probably don't know shit about the person you're judging.

I get called a fucking Wigger or a Westie all the time. Me, and the people I surround myself with know that it isn't true....Anyone who becomes my friend, or G/f learns it soon enough as well.
Well, there are those certin types of people that really piss you off...
Yeah, but if you were in their shoes, you'd see it differently, I'm sure.

Nobody willingly acts like a cock all day every day.
It may seem like it to other people, but to them, they're just doing their own thing for reasons which everyone else doesn't know shit about.

This is why judging people to seriously is a stupid thing to do.
Sure, people piss ya off, everyone gets pissed off......But you have to regard the above when you're judging people based on one single aspect.
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