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Default 06-19-2003, 01:57 AM

um i just got done playin .38 for 2 and half hours straight. it absolutely owns any other mp game out there right now. tremendous job DC team you have blown my mind once again.

everything is awesome, from the new kick ass music and in game vids for the menu (instead of real footage of the weaponry and that "we are poor little lambs" song)

and the new m16 with grenade launcher and ak with grenade launcher is so freaking cool / fun.

the sounds! the new sounds are incredible! the m1 abrams sounds like it has some bulk and mass to it when it moves. the guns sound way better. the new in game voices are sweet too! "RED DOG RED DOG!" lol biggrin:

anyone who doesnt own bf 42 yet it is worth the money just to get dc. this new version recieves an 9.5 out of 10 from me.

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