06-19-2003, 03:29 AM
[quote:414f4]Life is too bloody short to be worrying about what will happen after it. To live a rigid life restricted by rules written millenia ago by people who are long dead in some hope that I will earn my place in a fictional man-made fantasy is not my fucking idea of a good life. [/quote:414f4]
Even though forceful, I find this very elegant and powerful. Well said...
[quote:414f4]it is well known in the scientific community that the human conciousness is nothing more than a collection of electric impulses being exchanged between neurons, like a computer only a couple thousand times more advanced.
How exactly does one's "soul" live on if it is only a collection of impulses between neurons? [/quote:414f4]
Not quite. The brain does appear to be the seat of the mind, of your
consciousness. However, it could very well simply be a radio receiving
a signal: in likeness, it could also be nothing more than the processing
center for your real mind; the electro-magnetic energy surrounding your
physical body. If the scientific community knew so many of the things
you said, we wouldn't require keyboards and mice to communicate over
this inter-network: they believe it, but that doesn't quite make it real,
just as believing that you can fly with your bear arms won't make it so.
Neuronal activity creating consciousness is only a hypothesis...