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Default 06-19-2003, 07:48 PM

Originally Posted by BUTCH

i would cast a vote for ydiss. he seems to be a level headed and smart guy who knows how to hold a discussion on an adult level. i think he would be make a great mod.

innoxx on the other hand is way the hell and gone too childish for the job. post count does not make the mod. ive seen him start too much crap with too many people to consider him a canadate for moderator of this site. ive seen his posts in the mods section do nothing else but flame someone for no good reason. im not saying he sould be banned but i dont see how he could be in consideration to become a moderator.
I'll be the first to admit that I talk to much too loud, but I get shit done. There are alot of things about that purturb me. Those members or issues that do annoy me will get a taste of my thought. However, I am a very nice guy to those who deserve it. Some 12 year old punk who types in caps, spams the smilies, types in broken english and thinks we owe him the world are mainly the type of members that annoy me.

I spend a large part of my free time browsing these forums and what I see is ingenuousness of the highest order and it makes me a bitter person. I, like most other regulars and vets of have asked themselves at least once, "what the hell happened to this place?" ....Well I hope to restore that sense of order to this place.

I have moderated, operated and administrated over six websites, chatrooms and IRC channels in the past. I may be tough, but I am fair.
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