06-19-2003, 11:56 PM
#1.) Semi cute white chick... i thought before i heard her talk in that valley girl tone. like whatever... i told her i was going out with a girl down my street...haha stupid blond
#2.) fat ass ghetto big lower liped black bitch. i said no before she even finished the sentence. told her i was going out with a girl down my street...
#3.) this isnt bullshit. recently... log onto msn messanger about 3 months ago. icon pops up saying "fifisurferchick69"and so has added blah blah blah to your contacts list. wtf is a fifisurferchick69? saw the "69", hada take a shot at it hehe. anyways did the usuall asl. 3 months go by and i notice her first 5 ip adress #s start with the same #s as mine. i asked her which city, she was in and it was the same as mine...riiiiiight *cough*stalker*cough*
blah blah blah...
...finally we traded pics, she thought i was cute and asked to meet her @ mcdonalds *cough*cheezy*cough* i told her "sorry, im already going out with a girl down my street"
trust me "the girl down your street" or for you preteen forum junkies on here "your right hand" is a lifesaver.