06-20-2003, 12:23 AM
hahaha that's good... "Sorry, I already have my Right hand."
As for me, Only 2 Girls have asked me out, And I said yes to both.
First one, was in March, Annoying, and REALLY Inmature, and controlling.
An example of her inmaturity would be when she said:
"In the summer I throw mud balls at my moms window. TeeHee" oOo:
As for her being controling she was in Cadets, and she called me up and was like:
"Ok, I'm going to Cadets this wednesday, So YOU'RE Coming, you'll need your birth certificit, and it's at 7. you'll be there!" ed:
God, was it annoying.
The 2nd one, I'v been going out for like a week now, And so far she seems like a nice, intresting,funny gal, And shes cute.