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Double U is Offline
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Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Canada
Default 06-20-2003, 06:12 AM

Only thing slowing us is the weapon models. We had to start from sctratch a few weeks ago because they were imported. Now we have begun our own. Nades, M16, M4A1 are in game and done except reloads. AK 47 was just finished modeled yesterday. Heres a few screens:




We have the full weapon list if someone wants to take a go at the models. We could use another sound artist also maybe a mapper. We have 6 maps on the go now(I think). We will also need some beta testers soon. We also need someone to do the reloads for us if anyones interested.

We have a new webpage sponsored by which we bought with the domain but it wont be up for a few more days. Check them out for hosting. excellent service and rates.

We are also looking for a server sponsorship to help us move a bit faster. Ive contacted a few companies. If anyone thinks they can help out or fill any of the positions above, even if its small, email me at

More to come.
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