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Default 06-22-2003, 12:11 AM

ok heres how it goes guys.

Itamar, I have not d/l the sound mod and I dont know if I will, but I know that you need to be ready for critizism. I am sorry but not everyone is gonna like it and if they dont you need to take their critizism and use it to your advantage. Take what MPowell said and use it. Make the sounds more like WWII sounds. If you did not know what they sounded like do a lil research. Then from then you can make a better one. But ALWAYS be prepared for ppl that wont like it.

And NO ONE should rip on MPowell. he is a great and talented person. If anything he deserves your respect he works his ass off on things for everyone to benefit from. So lay off of him.

As for the guy talking about the CoD in MPOwell's sig. Dude is there a law saying that you cannot mod 2, 3, 4, or 20 games if you wanted to? No one knows who you are and you need to argue about points that are legit towards the conversation.

|D3@C3 \\//

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