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TWE-Ryan is Offline
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Join Date: Apr 2002
Default 06-23-2003, 09:55 AM

NOOOOOOOOOO damn damn damn

i dunno what happened but the old tik from the old version of the skin got there oOo:

ok if you want to fix this here what you do..:

1. Open the pak3 (ranger skin), with winrar ot pakspace
2. go to models/palyer you will see a file called TIK, extract it
3. Open that extracted(tik) file with your notepad, select everything in it. now very important paste this in the TIK on the selected script...

$path models/human/allied_army_soldier // Set path to set skelmodel from
skelmodel usarmy.skd // Set body model

surface Ranger_pants shader tfr_gpants
surface us_top shader tfr_gjacket
surface armband shader tfr_gblank
surface us_top_c shader tfr_gjacket

// $include models/human/heads/us_young_heads.tik
path models/human/heads
skelmodel head4.skd
surface head shader bignose

$path models/human/hands
skelmodel hand.skd
surface hand shader handsnew

path models/gear/twe
skelmodel kneese.skd
surface kneel shader kneeamror_Buzz_Gordon_body
surface kneer shader kneeamror_Buzz_Gordon_body

path models/gear/twe
skelmodel usarmyhel.skd
surface helmet shader helm_mp2_body
surface gagals shader helm_new

path models/gear/twe
skelmodel vest.skd
surface vest shader desert1

// define what folder to get specific sound from for the player model
$define pulloutdir sound/weapons/pullout

// Cache sounds here
voicetype army // set the voicetype to use for multiplayer instant messaging

// include the base player model definition
$include models/player/base/include.txt

// need to indicate the end of the tiki file because we have a tiki command at the end

4. save and close the TIK, than open the pak3 file again and import the saved tik in models/player

5. this should work have fun