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Default 06-24-2003, 07:04 PM

Originally Posted by BUTCH
first of all i didnt know we were fighting. i thought we were having a discussion. you ask me how should you do your job. i just saw in your post where you said you cant ban anyone. i knew that. but you can recommend that someone be banned. its a question of making examples of a few members to make the rest come around to your way of thinkin. lets say you ban 10 members. make a sticky and anounce the ban and why there not here anymore. also state that more will follow if the rules are broken. if it continues. do some more. same anouncement..make it known that theres a new sheriff in town that you aint takin any shit as you say. continue this until the forum is again a great place it could be and once was or theres just nobody left here to ban which ever comes first. its a simple question of sacrficing a few for the good of all. and you could do it all without a single cuss word. AND BY THE WAY...gain a great deal of respect from the members besides.
Yeah, too bad that's not the way it's gonna work.