Thread: MOHAA's future
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MOHAA's future
ShaolinMonk is Offline
Posts: 51
Join Date: Jan 2003
Default MOHAA's future - 06-24-2003, 08:20 PM


This thread should be used to discuss the future of MOHAA, and a Q & A for upcoming MOHAA additions (mods, expansions, conversions etc.) especially since much discussion has been about MOHAA not having a future.

First up, can someone give me information on the following things:
1) Breakthrough - what is this new game and what site can i learn more about it from?
2) Pacific Assault - When is this coming out and is there a site?
3) Any good conversion mods (and not City Nights...that sucks)?
4) Where can I find more information on Call of Duty?

Any information would be helpful.

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