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Noobies Guide to MOH
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Default Noobies Guide to MOH - 06-24-2003, 08:49 PM

This is taken from =|NaA|= LTC Chili Palmer's post on the No Assholes Allowed forum, it's a great source and all you new entrants into Medal of Honor...

Below is the list of HEY NOOB rules that I have posted in rcon at one time or another. Chili's unofficial HEY NOOB!! rules

For the newcomer to MOHAA, or for the casual player, these general rules will help you survive the game.

Rule #1: if you see a teammate camped in front of a door: do not open it!!!!! (sounds of grenades bouncing off the other side can be heard clearly!!!) This is especially true when his back is too the door!!!
You open it and run, the nade kills me before i can move.

Rule #2: do not follow anybody closer than about 10 feet (game feet). The closer you are the easier it is to kill you all!

Rule #3: don’t stand in the open doorway!!!!!! block the guys behind you and open doors are nade magnets!!!

Rule #4: shut your eyes: stopping moving, and listen!!!!!!!!! You can hear a lot if you try.

Rule #5: do not follow me...ever!!! It is much more likely that you will get me killed than it is that I will save your ass.
Rule 5a: if I am following you; its better than 70-30 that your death will be avenged!

Rule #6: if you break rule 5, remember, if I suddenly turn back and run!!!! I run from no gun..its a friggin nade!!! Have a backwards key..know where it is...use it often!!!!

Rule#7: if you see four guys huddled in an open away (see rule #3), you will soon have your choice of health packs and weapons.

Rule #8: if you see your teammate running with a cocked nade in their not throw nades past or both of you will surely die!!!

Rule #9: never snipe with a shotty!!!! Get close fast and blast.

Rule #10: any gun is a noob gun in the hands of a noob. Use whatever your most comfortable with.
The longer you survive, the faster you learn to play well
any lamers who bitch about the gun you use hunt down and kill first!!!

Rule #12: standing still out in the open is guaranteed to draw fire...move, duck, hide, run, cower behind something, whatever.
Rule 12b: if you draw fire, i usually get killed by accident, I don’t like that.

Rule #13: stop to type and you die!!!

Rule #14: the biggest pussy noobs taunt the most, unbind your message keys...only speak when you’re dead!

Rule#15: cheaters get lots of kills...but they never learn to play well, they always get caught..and soon enough you run out of places where you’re welcome to play.

Rule #16: try to find servers where everyone is about equal in sucks getting owned by everyone.

Rule 17: if you enter a room with more than one enemy in it, always always always shoot the guy with the gun first!! Even if he hasn’t seen you yet!!! (Especially if he hasn’t seen you yet!!!). If they all have guns..shoot he guy with the biggest gun first!

Rule 18: reload often...and always retreat to a safe place to do it...nothing sucks more than running into a room full of enemies with one bullet in your clip.

Rule 19: look everywhere all the time..there is always someone coming up behind you!

Rule 20: remember the may survive and still lose!!!!

EDIT: There. Everyone happy campers now? Caps suck. I even fixed your spelling mistakes...