06-25-2003, 02:51 AM
Two words for you man:
Move On
Any girl who would cheat on you and then get mad at you when you confront her is not worth it. You may think you love her now, but just wait a few years, you'll look back and realize that you didn't, or that it was only puupy love. How old are you? Trust me, it's for the best, if you guys stay togeather, she'll only keep cheating. I know what I'm talking about, I've been through a similar situation. My ex didn't cheat on me, but she still hurt me none the less, and I loved her, and still do, but I'm moving on, and so should you. It may sound corney, but it's true, there are plenty of other fish in the sea. Now go find yourself someone that will actully have the respect and decency to be faithful.