Originally Posted by argosy
You're right, PC's are more upgradable because they have to be. Your 3 year old pc is more usless than my 3 year old Mac. And other than games there is Micorsoft Office for the Mac so I can pretty much do anything I need to do. There may be more choices becasue every Joe Blow average consumer dewd owns a PC. Glad you like to be included in that catagory.
1 - any 3 year old computer blows, apple or no apple.
2 - I can do anything I need to on a pc, not 'pretty much' anything like on an apple
3 - Seriously? You are proud of the fact that you have less choices?
I've used apples. I had one for a couple of years at work. I didnt see the advantage. Sure it was easier, much like training wheels are easier, but the options were limited for a more advanced user. Maybe that has changed, but whatever, they didnt sell me. Apple has an enviable position businesswise. Year after year they can offer less and charge more to a small group of customers whose loyalty is unwavering.