Thread: i need advice
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Re: i need advice
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Default Re: i need advice - 06-25-2003, 11:00 PM

Originally Posted by KevO
something really bad happened to me today.....i went to see A movie with a bunch of guy friends ...when we all walked into the theater i saw my girlfriend sitting next to another guy and his arm was around her.....well seeing this pissed me off..i walked over to then and then saw that they were making that concludeed that there not related...i grab the basterds arm and slung it off of her..and that pissed him off so he stood already up and he took a swing..missing me i swung back..amiing contact..and knockinh him onto the my girlfriend wont talk to me after a argument about me and how i wasent supposed to see it and blah blah blah...and when i got home i called and her mom said she doesnt wanna talk to i walked down to her house..and eventuallly getting chased away by dig i finally go hold of her(which wasent easy)we talked...almost wanted to hit her,,,,but didnt..and..she dont wanna be wit me anymore...and i really love her a lot..does anyone know how i might be able to get her back?...plz help thinking about suicide so help befoe i do so....(im not kidding about suicide)

Well, I just starting seeing a woman after not having a girlfriend for 3 years(stop laughing!)so I am the last one to give advice on relationships, but. . .it sounds to me like she is not worthy of being trusted. You take her back and she will just walk all over you. It's not worth it, your sanity is more important. Move on, there are plenty of other women out there. Just my $0.02.
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