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Default 06-26-2003, 11:59 AM

Originally Posted by O71394658
Ha. I say consumers start filing countersuits for price inflation. $18 for a fucking CD. It costs 25 cents to make, and the artists only get a dollar. Thats a $1.25 Where does the other $16.75 go? Fucking assholes.
Uh okay your understand is way off.

ARTIST are paid based on a DOLLAR scale - but its what percent of that dollar that they get.

An artist like Eminem probably gets 70 cents to a dollar maybe -

Someone like Kelly Clarkson - 15-20 cents.

In any case, let them start suing, that'll alienate the MILLIONS of cd buyers - because downloading music or buying a cd is not exclusive of each other - out there, and further degenerate profits. As soon as the RIAA starts changing the way they distribute CD's, you're gonna have piracy. And this only applies to the n00bs who dont know P2P exists beyond Kazaa and other COMMERCIAL FILE SHARES.
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