For all you guys that have phpBB-based forums, such as this one, the newest update is now available to the public. It has a number of fixes, which I've listed below. I highlighted the stuff I found relatively important. The devs say that this is the last version of 2.0.x that will release, and the next version will be the updated, highly anticipated 2.2.
[quote:501dd]Removed user facing session_id checks
Fixed user self-activation after deactivation
Fixed incorrect functioning of phpbb_realpath
Fixed wrong path to database schema files within the upgrade script
Fixed double quote problem with username validation
Allow & within email addresses
Fixed email validation for banned email addresses
Removed underline from email domain validation
Fixed redirection for sentbox folder, installation and email
Fixed poll deletion
Fixed Mozilla navigation bar
Fixed URL bbcode parsing
Fixed database timeouts while searching the forums
Fixed wrong email return path in admin mass mailing - netclectic
Fixed MS-SQL failures within the update script
Fixed memberlist sort order
Fixed not showing leading spaces within Code BBCode
Fixed problem with adding double quotes to subject titles
Remove username input field from profile when user cannot change name
Fixed pagination error with highlighting
Fixed errors if no smilies are installed
Fixed CSS issues with IE 5.2 on MacOS X
Fixed missing sid propagation problem within the Moderator Control Panel
Fixed language variables within Authentication error output
Removed doubled CSS class definitions within input fields
Fixed username change within the Administration Panel
Added missing <tr> tags to index_body.tpl
Added missing username language variable to admin index page
Fixed moderator status update if a usergroup got deleted
Fixed poll handling upon post edit
Fixed remove common words from search table if post get pruned - Nuttzy99
Fixed behaviour on splitting topics if no checkbox is selected
Anonymous is no longer displayed within Username dropdown boxes
Fixed viewprofile redirection if an invalid mode was specified
Fixed fraction settings within determining common words - Novan
Prevent admin change usernames to his own within the ACP
Activation email is sent to all admins
Fixed conversion of & to & in appropriate cases
Fixed display of "greater than topics per page" announcements preventing display of normal posts
Added variable checks to database backup and restore screen
Prevented pm popup window from resetting after visiting avatar gallery
Fixed special character handling with word censor
Added SID to jumpbox
Fixed problems with usernames using html special chars
Added GMT + 13 to English lang_main, all translators are encouraged to do likewise
Deleted doubled 'U_MEMBERLIST' assignment from page_header.php
Fixed wrong display of Signature Checkbox while editing Private Message
Fixed disappearing post text if emoticon was inserted directly after pressing a BBCode button
Display correct alt-tag for smilies within postings
Prevented the ability to apply BBCode to website contents
Fixed maxlength issue with password field in login_body.tpl
Fixed possible username duplication issue with validation and username length
Fixed split words function to handle additional foreign characters
Changed empty email To Field to use a non-disclosure delimiter
Fixed wrong language var in install.php - FTP Config screen
Fixed alt tag for locked topic images in viewforum_body.tpl
Fixed typo in groupcp.php - $lang['Unsub_success'] instead of $lang['Usub_success']
Fixed timezone display
Fixed wrong display of author quote tag within profile - Cl1mh4224rd
Added deletion of sessions of users whose account is deactivated
Added mail header X-MimeOLE to the emailer class
Prevent registration if user is logged in or user trying to register again
Prevent usage of char(255) in usernames
Added check for additional FORWARDED_FOR IP's
Fixed handling of non-selection of option when voting
Fixed potential xss issue with memberslist mode
Default English support for visual confirmation - translators are encouraged to support this[/quote:501dd]